Christian Invited a Stranger to Thanksgiving? | 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days | TLC

– Would you like me to– – Can I just– –pour you a glass of wine? I would love a glass of wine, yes. Thank you. CHRISTIAN: I was kind of crushing what we had left. But I’d made sure I’d save some for you too. CLEO: Thank you, boo. Yeah, I’ll grab my wine and hang on. Cheers. Yes. Are you a little tipsy? CHRISTIAN: Well, yeah. I had a couple cocktails. CLEO: All right, which ones? I had a couple– CLEO: Old fashioned? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you got it. Look at us. We’re finishing each other’s– Sentences.

Oh my God, like, jeez, jeez. No, I had a good time. What did you get up to? CHRISTIAN: Well, I just– I was stumbling around the neighborhood. I was walking by, and I found a pub, cosied up on to the bar. I got a drink and I met a gal. Actually, she was an American, which is kind of strange, you know what I’m saying? Like, what are the odds? – How’s it going? – Good. How are you? – I’m doing pretty good. This is actually the first time that I’ve drank in like two or three

days, I want to say. Congratulations. Thank you. I’m just– I’m not a big drinker, but on vacation. I got nothing else going

on. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers to Americans in London. Yeah, yeah. Kind of a crazy happenstance. You can add me on social media before we go. Was she looking forward to celebrate Thanksgiving? Well, she was not going to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. I actually invited her to our little Thanksgiving that we have going on. Oh? What, do you think that’s extremely forward? That’s really weird. I feel like it will take me probably a couple

years of knowing somebody before inviting them over to my house. Really? CLEO: I’m exaggerating, but a couple months. Well, I just figured an American who was out and about might be interested in coming to a Thanksgiving. And Christian kind of knows that about me. And I’m feeling disappointed and frustrated that he’s not making an effort to understanding my needs or where I’m coming from. I get an edge when I’m cooking anyway because I have to think of the recipe and like all the steps you have to follow. And if there’s a stranger here. CLEO: If

there’s a stranger I’m just literally going to get anxiety. – What if you met her first? And what if she was cool? And what if like– It doesn’t really– I would still probably get anxiety. Well, I guess I’m going to jump the gun on that. I was being chatty. This isn’t the first time that I hear from Christian that he’s talking to another woman and whether it is on a plane, the bar. And I’m starting to kind of see a pattern.

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