Drake Bell found safe, after being reported missing | LiveNOW from FOX

now from Fox. I want to get to some breaking news here on a live now from Fox. Former Nickelodeon actor Drake Bell has been reported missing in Florida and is considered to be in danger. That is according to police. Daytona Facebook post, a short time ago that the 36 year old actor and musician. whose legal name is Jared Bell was possibly last Mainland High School that is in Daytona Beach. Officials said he You should be traveling in a 2022, gray, BMW. No, other details about the circumstances. of bells Disappearance were immediately released by police This

of course, is an active investigation. Bell is best known for Nickelodeon TV show Drake and Josh and of course, his music career. quote, for those asking. This is a legitimate post from the Daytona Beach, Police Department That is what officials there in Daytona. Beach said, when they posted that photo if you see him or have any information, about his whereabouts, you are urged to contact. the Daytona Beach police at three eight, six, six. Seven one five, two zero seven or Wallace. Jason. that is Jay AYSO n at D BP. D dot u s. We will

post all of that information. at Live Now Fox important to note that in 2021 Bell, did plead guilty in an Ohio courtroom to one count of

disseminating matter, harmful to juveniles. and one count of attempted endangering children. So again here, actor, Jake Drake Bell has been reported missing there in Daytona Beach, Florida. we will continue to follow this and bring you updates as we do get them. I do want to head to a

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