Godfall has Spectacular Combat! Not Much Else – Busy Gamer Review

Combat, combat, and more combat. This is Godfall. 
A game that delivers third-person action in  
droves, along with some eye-popping visuals, but 
not much else. I can’t say this is necessarily  
a problem as Godfall is an almost old-school 
game in its storytelling and gameplay approach.  
And the combat, which seems shallow at first, 
grabs you and makes you want to play it more.  
Let’s see why Godfall is a simplistic, 
yet surprisingly engaging game in our  
Busy Gamer Review of Godfall.
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Godfall is a game that will sadly be forgotten 
after the release of future PS5 megahits like God  
of War. And it’s a shame because Godfall 
delivers the fantasy-action goodness.  
In an era where we expect games to provide 
deep stories with lasting emotional attachment,  
Godfall says “screw that” and doubles down on 
the action. Now, there is a story. One brother,  
Macros, screws over another brother, Orin, and 
tries to become a god. Orin, with the help of an  
entity called, Sanctum, will fight to take out 
his brother’s generals and stop Macros once and  
for all. That’s about as deep as it gets. At 
first, I was put off

by the absence of story,  
the lack of explanation of the world and its 
rules, or even why the main character would switch  
between male and female. But as I played and got 
deeper into the combat, I really didn’t care.
About 1/3 of the way into the game, it 
dawned on me that Godfall was structured  
like an old-school action game. There’s a quick 
cutscene at the beginning to set up the plot,  
some dialog and text along the way to explain 
your actions, toss in some boss fight intros, and  
an ending to wrap things up. Besides that, it lets 
you get into the meat of the game: the fast-paced,  
hard-hitting combat. And the combat really is a 
blast. Light and heavy attacks mixed with shield  
throws and dodging, along with some advanced 
techniques to up your arsenal are all here,  
but it’s the feel of the combat that makes it so 
engrossing. Long swords and dual blades are fast  
and deadly, while the hammers and great sword make 
huge slams and take deep, chunky strikes. You can  
equip any combination of two weapons you have in 
your inventory to suite your playstyle, but you  
aren’t restricted. Weapons, rings, augments, and 
other enhancements can be swapped out anytime,  
so you are free to experiment. Add that to a deep 
skill tree that unlocks move sets and power boosts  
and I felt like I was really kicking ass.
To keep you kicking ass, you’ll need to  
continually upgrade Orin and his equipment. The 
Valorplate armors are the big draw. Visually  
they are glorious, and they add unique buffs, 
both active and passive. They are also how Orin  
changes from male to female, though, that’s never 
explained. These are all located in Sanctum’s lair  
which is also your hub to access missions and your 
place to upgrade weapons and combat enhancers.  
Weapons, enhancements, and resources 
are dropped by enemies as you fight,  
but they are also hidden in the game world 
or found in chests. These are looter/shooter  
elements and can lead to a grind for bigger 
upgrades and better gear. Godfall is not an MMO,  
and luckily, if you just want to enjoy the game 
and its razor-thin story, you won’t need to grind  
much at all. Not once during my playthrough did 
I need to replay a level just to upgrade a weapon  
or unlock armor to advance. I was always getting 
new and more powerful weapons, enhancements, and  
resources through natural gameplay and equipment 
salvage. If you really want a certain Valorplate  
with a certain combat build, you may need to 
grind, but it’s not necessary for the campaign.  
Having said that, there are two other design 
choice that can be painful for busy gamers.
First, the game never level-locks a mission, but 
to unlock the boss fights, you’ll have to replay  
some previously completed missions. Each boss 
fight requires a certain number of elemental  
sigils to unlock them. Missions reward you with 
those sigils including ones you’ve already beaten.  
The good news is that the combat remains fun 
regardless and dominating previous missions with  
high-level builds really satisfies the power 
fantasy. The second issue is the save system.  
Godfall requires an online connection to save and 
only saves when you return to Sactum’s Lair. This  
means no mid-level saves. If you start the PS5 
from rest and your game was the last thing open,  
you can pick up where you left off, but if 
you switch games or lose power or internet  
connection during a mission, that mission is a 
bust. Fortunately, missions are fairly short,  
so replaying them won’t hurt too bad.
One final aspect I have to point out is the death  
system. Basically, there isn’t one. If you die in 
combat, you respawn at a very generous checkpoint  
with the all enemies in the state you left them. 
Bosses have health checkpoints that will reset to  
a certain value if you die, so they are a little 
more punishing. The hardest difficulty does  
have 3 deaths for mission failure, but 
otherwise death is extremely forgiving.
Godfall is the kind of game that easily gets 
overlooked. It has pristine landscapes and  
draw-dropping scenery, but the world of Godfall is 
quite shallow. The story is absolutely forgettable  
and I’m not much for stat chasing. But I really 
enjoyed my time with Godfall. The grinding  
elements never felt grueling and the combat is 
so good that it made me want to keep playing  
even when replaying a mission. If you 
love action games and want something  
to show off the visual prowess of the PS5, 
Godfall is a solid choice. So, for Busy Gamers,  
Godfall, is time, mostly, well spent.
Are you lucky enough to own a PS5? Let  
us know what PS5 game you’re playing or plan 
to play once you get one. While you’re here  
check out our review of God of War for the 
PS4 or this other video we recently made.

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