Heat issue statement, police investigating claims of sexual assault by Conor McGregor

e local time news Lansing you right now UFC star McGregor is accused of sexually a woman at game four of the NBA Finals and our crime special matter live now at the cancer center with a shocking investigation. Now Bridget. These are really serious allegations against UFC star Conor McGregor. He’s accused of sexually assaulting woman in a bathroom inside Casa Center back on ninth. Now the accuser she has filed a police report and, lawyered up. Miami police are investigating allegations of sexual assault involving UFC star Conor McGregor. The lawyer represent the accuser says a police report

filed and sent a photo of. The close she says her client was wearing. It happened. The clothes were turned over to police for forensic testing. According to TMZ, the assault happened of a bathroom at the Sears Center ninth after game four of the NBA finals. Reports say the woman was forced into a bathroom where McGregor and Bodyguard was and that McGregor forced her to perform sex acts once on June was the same night, McGregor at game for promoting a pain relief spray in a planned skit he punched a heat mascot. The left hook laid mascot

out who was sent to the emergency. That was part of the skit. There was the skin to be backstage, all as it was just part of

the show today, Miami Heat addressed the woman’s assault against McGregor in a posted to Instagram, saying, We’re aware of the allegations and are conducting a full investigation pending the outcome of the investigation. We will withhold further comment and Mr. McGregor has publicly denied all of these allegations. We are in contact fact with that woman’s lawyer who says will be providing more information in the coming days. For n

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