Skull and Bones The REAL and HONEST Review Of the WHOLE GAME

today’s Skull and Bones video is an honest and Real review for the game and I know you’ve been seeing a lot of people jump on the bandwagon where they hate this game and this game’s bad and oh blah blah blah blah but this is an honest and Real review from someone who has played this game hundreds of hours played it in the betas but also I’m going to be real with you while Ubisoft gave me this game for free and I won a contest that gave me 20 game keys I’m still going to give you

the honest real realest review you’re ever going to see let’s get into it before we get into the review it’s good that you would know what my history of gaming is I’ve been gaming for countless years since I was three years old but I am mostly an MMO RPG gamer that is my favorite genre my favorite Niche so that’s World of Warcraft Arch age albian online Etc and many other MMOs so of course I was drawn to this game also I am a and a former XPR gamer for Halo 2 Counter Strike and several fighting

games as well as other games but I wasn’t super successful in those they’re not really worth mentioning I play almost all manner of games you know

League Minecraft Etc so I’m basically an allaround gamer so I am not like oh this genre good this genre bad I play almost every and all video games out there now let’s sum up the review real quick so the beginning of the game is very fun I think it was very exciting and very neat it was a neat fun little game the middle ground or the middle part of the

game it’s about it’s kind of syy you know you do the same little missions little escort missions you got uh you know FedEx missions kill the enemy missions you know it’s it’s syy but it’s tolerable it’s something to do and then at the end game oh man it becomes a mega boring snoozefest this game is like an idol game it is something that I would play a while watching anime or doing something else like watching a stream or a YouTube video not something that would keep my attention or Focus or even interest we’re going to

talk about it so the beginning of the game not counting the story because I skipped all cutcenes and all dialogues I am not entrenched by a pirate story I don’t care about the characters I don’t care about what their motivations are or anything of the sort this is a review purely based on gameplay and the fact that I can play online with other people I have not cared for a video game story for the past like 10 15 years or hell even longer than that like 20 20 years I have not cared for a video

game story not one bit so the beginning of the game is very exciting it’s very action-packed you’re learning the game you’re you’re getting your boots wet you’re learning basic things the game has a nice slow pace and one of the problems that I feel that this game has is that you progress way too fast I think that the game progresses you you level up too fast you upgrade too fast uh ships become very quickly irrelevant your weapons become irrelevant uh the the majority of the game becomes irrelevant as you progress there’s no reason to use

certain weapons certain builds certain ships uh there’s no reason even do certain activities like I have zero reason to go out right now and kill ships I have zero reason to plunder bases I there’s no motivation and no reason to do it I don’t get really anything useful or or like like it’s all pretty much pointless to do right I can go out here and I can farm this level two ship if I want to sure and boom there we go you know that’s just two cannons and we shoot him with the four cannons and

he’s basically dead and then we get some loot we actually get uh you know we got an uncut Garnet some fine J and some silver repair kit you know you’re like oh wow yeah you’re farming ships whoy dooo right in mm RPGs you would generally Farm ships and you know get rewards there we go we’re one-shotting a level one ship that feels pretty good you can’t onshot a level one ship at the start of the game but you can kill it relatively quickly enough where it it’s not that big of a power Spike honestly like

the beginning of the game though you’re you’re learning things you’re out here Gathering and chopping trees and fishing and hunting alligators and you think all this stuff is going to matter later like none of the none of the resources you gather at the start of the game matter at the end of the game none of it it has no use no purpose and no point so the only real logical way to play the game if you know what you’re doing besides exploring and feeling out the world is to just race to the end game because

there’s no there’s no point in staying at the beginning of the game there’s no point in learning the factions there’s no point in absorbing the story there’s there’s no point in any of it there’s no point in going out and Gathering and building your crafting tools because you’re going to be able to just do that way quicker later on and once you get to the end of the game you have these level 10 ships that are kind of a pain in the butt and you can still kill them relatively quickly you know I’m using the

best purple cannons in the game so yeah these ships die pretty fast and you know it takes three shots instead of one to two shots like that’s the differential here right and uh uh now a lot of builds can’t kill this quickly if you’re using inefficient build inefficient weapons inefficient ships then you can’t kill this fast I’m using a tank ship right now I’m in the tank ship so I’m not even using a DPS ship I could kill these quicker in a DPS ship but uh it’s whatever right and so that’s the game you like

this isn’t the end game I’ll show you the end game in a bit but the beginning of the game you actually have a purpose you go out and you do quests go go dress up as the enemy and then raid their base it’ll be funny lamu you know go get me 10 ivories and then turn them in go and kill five ships for me and make sure you board two of them to just to show them our might and you know it’s exciting it’s fun it’s cool so then you get to the mid game you’re

used to the game’s mechanics you’ve upgraded your ship you’ve upgraded your cannons you know how things work and uh you sail around and you continue doing the same quests except instead of gathering lowlevel trees and lowlevel iron you’re Gathering midlevel trees and mid-level iron so you feel like there’s a progression there there and some of the recipes you’re building for your cannons and your ship still require the lowlevel stuff you still have fun doing the little gathering mini game here where you get a bunch of resources and you like to see your numbers go up

you aren’t quite Super Rich yet and mega powerful you don’t have the best guns but you’re working towards it so you have a goal in mind you’re still watching your ship level and your gear score rise you’re still able to have somewhat fair and linkly fights with other enemy ships rather than just blowing them up instantly which is fine some of the boss fights do take a bit of you know you might die a few times during them you might die a few times plundering if you’re not careful you’re still learning how to brace you’re

still learning how to block and the game is okay the game is still holding your interest enough to play 20 hours per day that’s right I was playing this game 20 hours a day I was hooked I was like yeah this is cool boom blow them up kill them your Pirates are singing she shanties they’re doing shout calling they’re calling out locations you feel really involved with the world you know you might be customizing your ship at this point with you know sales and you know buying some random upgrades you’re still randomly going up to

the spots and Gathering whatever the stuff is like aaia yeah we’re chopping the trees look at the numbers go up you’re still having fun you’re still enjoying the world and what it has to offer that’s the mid game and then you get to the end game and the only way to upgrade a progress further is to do very monotonous boring grinds which I’m going to show you right now you go to the helm and you have to build up these bases they’re all full like I haven’t bothered to collect oh look these need to be

funded okay there you go I’ll see you in 8 hours when you’re ready to collect you go to the base and Hey look it’s a player except uh here’s the problem I can’t talk to them because chat has been disabled for the past two or three weeks now uh let’s get out of this view yeah chat service is currently unavailable it’s been unavailable for weeks I don’t play games to play by myself I don’t play games to not socialize and interact with others I don’t have friends how am I supposed to make friends in this

game and interact with people if I can’t talk to them okay here’s how you interact with people you shoot a firework hey you shoot your back cannons which are heel cannons look I’m okay this ship doesn’t have heal cannons but I can’t hurt him anyway he’s not PVP flagged by the way I just collected some coins from this base and it’s going to take hours until it’s ready to collect again so now we’re going to sail down to this base and collect some coins and while I collect coins I’ll be randomly attacked by these level

10 ships and uh if I don’t if I’m not a meta gamer I’m not playing the best builds the best ships this will hurt even on a tank ship okay well they missed anyway but if they landed it it would still hurt a good amount right people are complaining that they’re getting two shotted by the enemy ships and this one this one’s aim really sucks like like here we go is this going to hit boom okay I’m a tank ship so I didn’t take as much damage there but there are ships that basically one shot

you they can one or two shot you and uh you know even with the upgraded best ships and best armor you’re still getting two shotted it feels bad it feels stupid and you have to do this dumb coin collecting crap constantly to get the final upgrades which I’ve already gotten uh it it was taking me about 20 hours per upgrade I put about one week into the game until I was able to boost my coin output enough to get all the guns I have all the purple bombards all the purple long nines the the torpedoes

which suck the uh just every every gun every armor and every ship unlocked it took me about one week of playing the ingame anywhere from 12 to 20 hours a day which you may be think oh that’s plenty of time that’s plenty of time ah man it’s like the the grind shouldn’t be over in the first week even for a metal hardcore gamer like myself but the problem is is that this isn’t fun this is not exciting game play this is boring as hell this sucks this makes me not want to play the game when

I’m doing this stuff I am actively watching streams YouTube videos I’m I’m watching like anime I am not participating in the game I mean I am I’m technically floating my ship around and collecting these coins and killing the enemy ships that attack me for collecting the coins but that’s it that’s your ingame that is all you do and you be like no SW Benji there’s more there’s more to skull and bones than coin collecting you have PVP events there’s raid bosses there’s World bosses like if I open my map right now what’s going on what

do we have going on nothing there’s nothing going on right now there is no world bosses there’s no raid bosses no events and yes when I started recording there was a PVP event that just started but here’s the problem with the PVP event okay there are essentially two PVP events yes there’s more than two I’m going to talk about it PVP event one is called like it’s like a a treasure map spawns and then after 5 minutes the six people that signed up for the treasure map get to fight over it and then whoever turns

it into an output post gets a possible amazing drop or a drop it’s usually a drop but you do have a chance a small chance to get the best armor or the best cannons in the game without doing the coin grind now here’s the thing every single person and their mothers and their fathers and their friends and their sisters aunts and uncles everybody in this game is a pre- teing scumbag there is no way for us solo guildless antisocial losers who don’t have friends and aren’t part of society there is no way for us to

thrive in this game because if we don’t have friends we’re screwed so if I open right now there’s no way to tell who’s in a team together there’s no way to tell but uh like right now I’m pretty high rank compared to the other people in the lobby there’s three players that couldn’t fight me at all but I’m I’m pretty sure that a lot of these other people are friends in some way or another and there’s not really a way to check that to my knowledge but every single time I do a PVP event even

if I am not carrying the treasure map five people will jump me and it’s not because I’m e famous it’s not because of my name or anything it’s simply because they’re all in a Discord or an Xbox call or whatever the hell it is together that’s the truth that’s just how it is and then our gameplay Loop here is collect loot that will we’re never going to use this wood ever again even in the new season there’s no use for it I’m I have over 1 million so opening the silver chest not exciting like there’s

just better ways to make money the silver chests are just a waste of time that eats up my actions per minute there’s no point for them so in PvP if you can somehow get a solo Lobby where people aren’t pre- teaming you then good awesome hell yeah you might have a little bit of fun there but nope usually it’s just five onone and you’re dead and there’s nothing you can do and if anyone if one guy has a friend that has a Healer you there’s no way to win there’s no way to beat a 2V1

when one of them has a heal absolutely not unless they’re bad if you’re really good and they’re really bad hey you might win but n this game isn’t really skill based it’s more so gear score based and how many friends you have based the next PV a pin is something that’s happening right in front of me right now this is called a hostile takeover I can’t participate uh in these anymore because I already have done hostile takeovers to own the whole Zone yes if I go to Africa or East Indies I can start collecting those

zones and do hostile takeovers but in a hostile takeover it is you’re in a Zone and your objective is to kill the enemy ships and earn points and whoever earns 100% first gets the zone and that is uh what what usually happens is that uh no one shows up to them no one shows up to them so it’s just you solo farming if someone shows up late they automatically lose unless they constantly kill you which they’re not going to do if you’re a tank ship so you just sit there and tank everything and if they

don’t know to shoot your Sals well they still there they’re wasting time shooting you instead of ships to try to earn points okay next up is the fact that um what I did here was a mistake capturing the whole zone is a mistake if you want to truly have PVP fun you don’t capture one of the river zones like this you should not ever capture this Zone and then you go to the Hostile takeover and because you’re an active participant in the Hostile takeover you’re allowed to shoot anyone who is even not participating I can

show you this now I’m going to go in here to uh Oki this Oki guy who’s who’s farming this I will not show up as a hostile ship to him I cannot hurt this man this player I can’t hurt him because I’m not part of the Hostile takeover I’m not allowed to hurt him but in order to prevent griefing he is fully allowed to hurt me and yes that is part of the game it’s to prevent griefing but uh while he’s doing this hostile takeover I can’t interact with this Camp anyway like I’m not allowed

to collect my coins or do any management or or whatever but uh this this player like I can shoot him and nothing happens right I can’t hurt him but he can hurt me so the whole if you want to participate in this PVP see he even technically rammed me there even though I rammed him by you know like drifting into his into my side into his front um but yeah this player can can hurt me if he wants to I can’t even fight back and so to abuse this or in order to have more fun

what you want to do is not finish a hostile takeover in a river area cuz you can trap players who are just there to collect their coins or to farm or whatever and you can dunk on them kill them and take their stuff so yeah pretty fun stuff indeed but you can see here like I do no damage to this guy that that did nothing to him but he can totally shoot me and deal damage he might not be aware of that or he might not want to grief me but yeah he’s too busy farming

the enemy ships right and then Here Comes This Emanuel guy he might be joining the Hostile takeover a little too late though this Oki D guy guy is already going to be fully farmed so whatever so that’s the second PVP the third PVP is called a Helm wager what is a Helm wager well if you accept it you’re stupid because you’re just going to get pre- teed on what happens is while you’re rolling around the map collecting coins you have an offer sometimes that just pops up it’s like hey double or nothing bro if you

take your coins to this random Outpost 8,000 M away will double the coins you can earn and so it sounds like a smart play or a brave play but it’s not because what happens is let’s say I get a Helm wager and I’m told to go all the way down here to the oblet I think that’s how you pronounce that someone always corrects me in the comments about how to pronounce I don’t give a if it’s spelled that way I’m going to say it that way this is Fort D Fort du li who cares it’s

spelled that way I’m going to say it that way and you know what I’m talking about okay if you want to correct me in the comments thanks for the engagement thanks for the engagement bro you’re just helping me all right I know you’re trying to make me look stupid and uneducated because I don’t know how to pronounce a French word who gives a anyway the point is is that when you do a Helm wager you got to go all the way down here well guess what people can just teleport here and sit on this point

and then when you arrive you have to sit on the point and not be attacked to a certain degree for x amount of seconds it’s like 20 seconds or something 15 seconds I don’t know until you can technically turn it in and get your double double your coins but because every freaking person in the lobby is going to be sitting there waiting for you they just nuke you and then because they’re a pre-made team in a Discord call or an Xbox call or whatever the heck they just give it to their little Discord kitten oh

here you go sedums here you go girlgamer here you go here’s 2,000 coins for you m and they give her a kiss on the forehead and then she makes a little oooo sound and then all the dudes feel accomplished and that’s Helm Wagers you you will never get a fair fight in hel wager and let’s say that you you want to you want to do a Helm wager as the bad guy so you go and you sit at the oblet or wherever the hell it is and you wait for the h wager person to show

up well guess what all their friends show up and kill you and protect the person and then they get to turn in you lose all your loot that you had all your food and consumables and crap and hopefully you didn’t you you knew how to bank some of it because you should be banking your consumables and not carrying everything with you and and that that’s PVP that is PVP in a nutshell in this game this is not a PVP game this is an optional PVP game you don’t have to PVP if you don’t want to

if you want to capture these outposts you can do the co-op and that will get you all these outposts you literally never have to PVP to have the full thing claimed if you don’t want to the PVP is completely optional in this game you can completely skip it so let’s say you do skip it let’s say you skip the PVP and you want to do the PVE you want to do the raids you want to do the the big ships well guess what what there’s none on the map right now so there’s none to do

there’s these little side quests they suck there’s no reason to do them there’s the dailies you want to do the monster dailies for the teeth season one will get you more farm for that you can do the Ghost Ship daily uh so you can get the ghost ship parts of the flame Cannon even though the flame Cannon sucks it’s a DPS loss you should never use it but people will be like but the game says but the game says listen trust but verify the game says that the flame cannons are good you can try them

out and compare them to other weapons they’re not good good they’re just not good I didn’t program the game I didn’t make the damn game just because the way that it should be or that it logically would be does not make it so okay next up is the PVE crap so let’s say there is a raid on the map and I could sit here and just refresh servers if I wanted until I got some PVE so let’s try that right now let’s go to the main menu and try to jump into a different server where

there might be some PVE activity there’s usually a raid ship a a trade Convoy etc etc well after your first two days of playing this game there’s no point in doing any of those raids the loot that drops the the the infamy that you get you know for your Kingpin rank sucks the loot sucks the fights are long and tedious and they’re usually in the open ocean where the waves are pushing you around and and hurting you and and you don’t get anything really good for it the the only good things you get are the

Monster Hunt and the Ghost Ship and that’s just for the armor and which you can’t even get yet and the the flame cannon that’s it that’s the only two reasons to farm those things which you can get the flame cannon from random loot chest drops anyway so here we go maybe we’ve joined a new server it looks like it let’s see if what’s going on on this map oh look a Cutthroat cargo hunt that someone’s already actively participating in and um man I just want to kill them just because of their like ship name okay

cuz I can’t read squiggly lines and look he’s probably going up here or he might be circling around waiting for fights so I can just teleport here and fight this dude and he’s in a bridgettine right and I’m in a look let’s just do that I’m just going to show you the how oh I’m not I can’t fast travel in the middle of the ocean by the time I dock he’s probably already going to have collected it right but the point is is that the PVE in this game yeah it’s cool to fight a big

raid ship it’s cool to fight the big enemy ship and if here’s the thing like the oblet the level 12 ship you can’t solo it as a tank you can’t die to it but you can’t DPS it down in time before the ad show up and overwhelm you if you just bring a DPS ship unless you are the godliest of Godly Gamers and I’ve seen one video one guy who perfectly played his DPS ship and did solo the ship you know what he got for it a couple torsion springs okay he got a couple Springs

which you could Farm in a minute from other ships he got Jack crap for it all that effort for nothing oh but he had fun though did no he didn’t have fun it was stressful it was very hard to manage and what about the other PVE crap you got the supply network you can go and and you can buy from a vendor some items in this case you can go to a ship and buy them or you can blow up the ship and get Triple the items which I’ve made a video about link is in

the description you can go and attack a fort and and get some supplies you know what you do with the supplies well there’s a few things you can do with the damn supplies first off you can sell the supplies to other pretend NPC ships getting you those coins that we talked about earlier those pieces of eight I can trade 65 skull white skull Jin to this guy and I have to sail from town I can’t fast travel I got to go 15 minutes later here I am and earn 99 coins which let you buy upgrades

it’s not really efficient to do that anymore it used to be but it’s not what do you do with the raw ingredients well you go to The Distillery and you can make alcohol or opium or whatever so you go here and it’s like I want to make some gold skull run but I need white skull rum I want to make gold skull Jin but I need white skull Jin well I want to make white skull rum so I need sugar cane so you put some sugar cane and there you go look at that in 1

minute I’ll have 11 white skull rums oh boy isn’t that fun that’s so fun it’s like Cookie Clicker right it’s idle game and uh yeah that’s it that’s the game that’s the game hey hey look a leaderboard a ranking system oh boy do you think anyone’s going to give a if you’re top ranked in this game no no I’m going to tell you right now when I was playing the game 20 hours a day I was able to maintain rank 1,500 and I’m not even doing this efficiently you want to know what the most efficient

thing so far people have found is you capture Africa and then you B you pump up haruu and that’s what you do and that’s like 8,000 an hour if you constantly feed it uh whereas I’m making 1,100 per hour you know not feeding if I fed this base that’s level what is this level eight then I can pump this up to a ,600 per hour it it’s just like like someone’s eventually going to spreadsheet this out and then everyone’s going to do it and everyone that doesn’t do it will fall behind on the ranking simple

as but who cares about your rank what about those damn juicy Rewards well with the Pieces Of Eight that’s how you buy the in-game stuff and when you earn Pieces Of Eight every so often you will hit these break points so here at 4 40,000 pieces of eight I earn 600 sovereigns and these sovereigns are also a currency used to buy upgrad and then what do you do when you buy all the upgrades well you go kill the raid bosses but you don’t need the upgrades to kill the raid bosses you just need friends and

you could solo most of the raid bosses anyway but why would you solo them when the rewards absolutely suck there is just nothing to do with this currency after like a week of playing these things that cost 1,500 you can go farm them in 2 minutes by killing the ship go go kill an orcus ship go kill a worm ship a ganet ship you get this stuff for basically free in 2 minutes you’re not farming 1,500 coins in 2 minutes this is a scam why does the game actively try to scam you out of your

materials hey remember in the early game when you wouldn’t farmed metals and you farmed wood well guess what for 100 coins which you can get in a minute now you can Farm 50 of both of these Woods you can Farm 50 of both of these fibers and 50 of both of these Metals which you could just go out and mine them at this point and earn that even faster but whatever you know if you want some sharks and hippos and crocodile hides here you go you can just buy them you can buy the Cannons you

can buy the upgraded cannons oh this one is Sovereign the Dell’s gun the best weapon in the game I’ve covered this on my channel I’ve got four of these bad boys it took four days to farm the sovereigns and uh now that I have it I have an overabundance of sovereigns and you may be thinking well what about the Skins who cares you don’t get to see the only time you get to see PE other pirates in town is when they’re randomly running around and they don’t they’re not paying attention to you they’re running to

their Quest objective they’re running to the the vendor they’re fast traveling you don’t really interact with people in the town okay the and another thing too these towns when you’re walking around on foot they feel like all the other unreal five games they all feel the same if you play any other Unreal Engine game that’s like a shooter looter shooter whatever it’s just the same with a different skin okay this one is pirate skinned okay the other game is cyborg skinned or you know futuristic Tech skinned or medieval skinned it feels the exact same as

all the other games it’s it is the exact same okay like there’s no reason to run up here and go to the damn Warehouse when I can hold the button and go to manage cargo it’s the same damn thing there’s no re like I understand for role play and for flavor reasons you know that’s why you have a warehouse person there until the player learns but otherwise like is this a real player staying on the dock this is a real player this player’s name is Turco 1234 and look at they got an eye patch look

at this dude he he’s got no shirt he’s got a big ass hat he’s got a yellow face mask on what’s he doing let’s see what this player is actively doing he is running to the vanity he look this guy likes to decorate his character this guy likes and uh he’s just not here now this is instance I don’t see him in here where’s the World building if I’m playing another MMO RPG that player would be in this building but he’s not we saw him go in he’s not in here the game just won’t allow

it and then what what do you why do you decorate your character oh look at my cool pirate dude with a bunch of pistols the pistols don’t have a use the armor doesn’t have a use the hatet doesn’t have a use in other games when you buy armor and outfits it gives you a bonus but this is just purely cosmetic and nothing more and that sucks I don’t care about Cosmetics my character could be a gray block for all I care and that character you know that gray block literally Robo Roblox character right you know

who cares what my character looks like I care about the social interactions with other players most players don’t give a how their character looks making your character look special and stand out no one’s going to notice and no one’s going to care or remember in a week just no one cares no one cares all right and uh it’s just a it’s just a waste of time activity all right like yeah if the clothes we wore and the hat we wore gave us a bonus like hey you you can increase your sailing speed by one knot

with this epic pirate hat then everyone would go to the raid boss and kill the raid boss for a 5% chance for the hat to drop and then they could equip that hat and they could sell 1% faster which might give them an incentive to do PVP once they’ve grinded out all the legendary gear and whatnot okay but this game doesn’t have that this game needs that but it doesn’t have that also can I shove this player and does he move like no I can just walk through him okay so there’s no Collision that’s whatever

who cares but like that’s the game that there’s no Loop for me to enjoy anymore once you have the gear and look I’m not some hardcore diard Mega turbo gamer that can play all day I mean I kind of am but even if you play this game two hours a day you’re going to be done with this game in a month this game dies in a month and again you’re saying season 1 season 1 season let me show you season 1’s content okay season 1’s content is Poison Poison enemies that may there’s some Furnitures that

can upgrade your damage or your s speed whatever there’s going to be a few different ships and balancing and rebalancing of ships sure sure yeah they’re going to change it they’re going to Nerf some stuff they’re going to buff some stuff just like every other video game ever and sure okay but it’s the same Loop once you’ve killed the same bosses you have no incentive to kill them anymore once you like you still have no incentive to do the PVP as a solo player which the majority of Gamers these days are solo players the vast

majority of people that play video games do not have friends have you seen Gen X uh or I’m sorry j z and j a they don’t have friends hell I’m JY Millennial and I don’t have friends and and that’s a me problem I understand I know blah blah blah blah I’m not an Nory etc etc but the point is is the majority of Gamers just aren’t going to have friends aren’t going to make friends the game doesn’t give you the capacity to make friends because you can’t talk in it there is no like there is

no proximity voice chat why is there not proximity voice chat so here’s the new enemy for season 1 and this is a poison pestilence Fleet of pestilence check this out this is this is the gameplay that we’re going to see right now in season one in like a week’s time I’m going to I’ve anchored my but I’m still sailing at full speed hello game can you stop already and we’re just going to shoot at the tower get a little bit of aggro and is it shooting at someone else right now okay it’s shooting over there

for some reason am I too close to the okay I’m getting hit here we go I’m bracing it’s poison damage I can’t block this I’m in a tank ship one poison mortar I’m dead that’s the content we’re getting in a week okay one poison mortar kills you on the tankiest highest HP ship in the game while bracing you’re just dead isn’t isn’t that fun isn’t that the the greatest thing you’ve ever seen and yes I can kill the tower I can sail around and Dodge the mortar that’s not the point that I’m making here the

point is is that that’s the con a bunch of fart gas is going to get spewed all over you and you have no way to resist it there’s no poison resistance in the game there’s no poison defense in the game but hey you know what it’s the same thing the other MMOs do hey we’re going to make this cool epic flame boss called ragnaros and if you want to beat him you got to stack fire resistance cool now we’re going to make a new dungeon and this is Darkness a dark dragon called nefarian and if

you want to survive him you got to stack Darkness resistance and so that’s the that that’s that’s the future I’m predicting it right now season 1 is poison season 2 will be ice or something season 3 will be lightning lightning cannons and like that’s the game Bros there’s no socialization there’s no fun to be had outside of the gear grind and once you have the gear it’s slightly better than what you could get normally like yes the best cannons in the game are a 20% damage boost over the next best cannons in the game where

the hell is my stuff at uh let me get that food back why can’t I I’m hitting the loot button there it is oh look I’m poisoned again oh no I’m poisoned guys run away run away from the PO oh no oh he’s about to hit me here but I’m in the tanky ship so I’m I’m going to have to hit that oh I’m poisoned again oh no look at my HP bar go down heal I didn’t use a good heal there and uh yeah that’s the game okay that’s the season one that’s the game

just killing these ships you know randomly like what do I get for this I don’t need screw mechanisms I don’t need cam for I don’t need zinc I don’t need Cannonball crates or silver this guy has Roselle cloth don’t need it I’ve got hundreds don’t need it just don’t need it at all pointless pointless Farm pointless to kill but Kingpin rank okay rank 24 to rank 25 you know what I get a random loot chest full of stuff I can already craft make or get on my own it’s not an upgrade it’s just a random

loot chest of useless freaking junk not even scin not even skin drops not even for those cosmetic players anyway that’s my review the end game sucks the mid game’s okay and the beginning of the game is amazing I love the beginning of the game all right but you can play the beginning of the game for free with an 8 Hour trial there you don’t have to pay for the game so my recommendation is if you want to experience or play this game there’s two things you can do you can play the 8 hour free trial

experience the early game and then never touch it again that’s what I wish I would have done except I have to make videos to make a living or otherwise I starve I die I can’t pay my bills I’m forced to make videos for this game and any game that is successful so power world videos soon and Hell divers 2 videos soon and if you like albian there’s always going to be those videos until they ban me for whatever reason but that’s my review if you if you still want to play this game I have 21

copies of this game to give out because I won a contest there was a little photography like uh you know hunt activity we had to they they gave us an activity where we had to sail around and find certain little landmarks and I was able to find it pretty quick in like 4 hours and I won 20 game keys to give to you guys so with that said if you want a free copy of this $90 game join my Discord there’s a link in the description you will have to pass a questionnaire and you will

have to play other games with me and be my internet friend and and only then will I give you a key anyway thank you so much leave a like leave a comment on the right side of your screen is a video you should absolutely click also for all the saying that the uh silver method is patched it clearly isn’t uh look I just did it I literally just did the silver method okay if you don’t know how I have 999999999 silver I have a video link in the description for that anyway on the right side

of your screen there’s a video you should absolutely click and if you don’t click it then you’re going to have a flat tire in two days

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